R.R. Educational Trust's

BEd College
NAAC Accredited 2024

Paper Publication

# Publication of research paper for an International Collaboration, Book- Academic language and learning support service in Higher Education ISBN: (978-93-94764-04-) Amlani College and Oman,
“The power of storytelling: A paradigm to enhance the happiness of the students during teaching-learning process” 2023

# Publication of research paper in one day National Multi-Disciplinary Conference, “A study on Innovative teaching-learning strategies: A paradigm to elevate the happiness of the students in the classroom” 2023

# Paper publication in Scopus- (TOJQI) Volume 12, Issue 10, “A study on the perception of Student Teachers in Relation to Innovative Teaching Strategies that Nurtures their Happiness”

# Paper Publication for the National Conference on Innovation, Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship on 11th May 2019 organized by Thane Sub-Campus, University of Mumbai. (Topic: “Development of Socially Acceptable and Coherent Education Model for promoting intangible ideas”)

#.  Presentation and Publication of paper in National Seminar on the theme “Education as a pathway towards Women- Autonomy” on 18th February 2019. (W.W.W.W-Women World Wide Web)

# Presentation and Publication of paper in International Seminar on the theme “Future Nation Builders: Higher Education Institutions held on 29th December 2018 in Shri Bapusaheb D.D Vispute College of Education. (Clarion Call, Higher Education: Enabling to deliver value)

#  Publication of paper in Peer Reviewed Journal on the theme: “Influence of Social Media in the Youth’ organized by R.R. Educational Trust’s college of Education and Research on 26th November, 2018 (Awake-Optimistic/Pessimistic)

#  Publication in ISBN in volume December, 2108 for the National Seminar organized by Oriental College on 27th October, 2018

#.  Presentation and Publication of paper in National Conference on the theme “Equality and Inclusion 2018, in Guru Nanak College of Art, Science and Commerce, on 8th September 2018. (Gender-Equal Society)

#  Presentation and Publication of paper in National Seminar on the Theme: “We are Teaching, Are They Learning” organized by Anjuman-I-Islam’s Akbar Peerbhoy College of Education and H.B. B.Ed College of Education on 7th April, 2018. (“The Teaching Learning Synergy”)

#. Presentation and Publication of paper in Two-Days National Seminar on the Theme: Revisiting Indian Freedom Struggle organized by Institute of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai on 23rd and 24th March, 2018.

#. Presentation and Publication of paper in Two-Days National Seminar on the Theme: “Dynamic of Effective Classroom Teaching” organized by Thakur Shyamnarayan College of Education and Research on 16th and 17th March, 2018.

#  Presentation and Publication of paper in National Conference on the Theme: “Sustaining Quality: NAAC New Guidelines, 2017” organized by Ramanand Arya D.A.V. College on 17th February 2018. (Quest for Quality… Quality is never an accident; it is the result of intelligent effort”)

#.  Presentation and Publication of paper in National Seminar on the Theme: “Teacher Empowerment: Excellence @ Teaching” organized by Oriental College of Education, Sanpada on 2nd December, 2017. (“More than Eyes and Ears”)

Equity and Inclusivity in Education: Nurturing a fair and diverse learning environment- July 2023

Implementing an inclusive Education Awareness Program to Raise Awareness toward Inclusion Among Secondary School Teachers and Assessing Its Effectiveness- 2023

Developing an inclusive education awareness program for secondary school teachers and assessing its success- 2023
Efficacy of an online Program to Raise Awareness about Inclusive Education Secondary School Teachers- 2023
Effectiveness of Inclusive Education Awareness Programme on aspiring secondary school teachers 2023
A study of the effect of the inclusive education awareness programme on secondary school teachers-2022
Awareness of Secondary School Teachers towards Inclusive Education- 2021

Challenges and avenues for Women Autonomy- 2019

Role of ICT for Soft Skill Development-2019

Social media: Important Communication Medium- 2019

Krantipath ke sipahi: Madhuraj Madhu (Editorail) – 2019

Blended Learning: An Innovative Technique-2018

Women’s participation in the struggle of freedom movement- 2018

Edited Book: Sahitya Masiha ki Yatra- 2018

Ankahi Dastak (Story) – 2018

Social Mobility in Higher Education- 2017

‘Vartaman Pariprekshya me Gandhiji ke vicharon ki Prasangikta’ 2017

“Kranti ke swar: Babasaheb Ambedkar”-2016

‘Mahilayen Aur Adhikar’ (Article)”-2016

Article on Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar-2016

‘Ghatate Sanskaron se Dishahin ho rahe bachche’ Article -2016

1. NEP 2020- A Roadmap to Renovation and Inclusion in Learning Sub- Topic: Activity Based Learning

2. “Sustaining Quality in Higher Education: Strategies and Perspectives for Continuous Improvement”

3. e-Portfolio -A Pathway to Professional Development.

“Sustaining Quality in Higher Education: Strategies and Perspectives for Continuous Improvement”- 2024

“Gamification in Education” – 2024